Tena [new]
0,001 $ Last Price
+0,01% % VARIATION
If you see the symbol TENA, it means Tena [new],

The appearance of Tena [new] the 2021-05-19 was long awaited reaching since that day the position 8692 of CoinBase.

The price at which we found this cryptocurrency today is 0,001$, so asserting that there has subido a 0,01% since yesterday, if we look at the data for the previous week there is bajado a 0,00% and with respect to the last month there has bajado a 0,00%.

Chart updated

Detailed information
Tena [new]
Currency: Unknown
Price: 0.0011802460838013
24 hour volume: Unknown
Market Cap: Unknown
% change last hour: Unknown
% change last day: 0.00564974
% change last week: Unknown
Last Updated: 2022-09-13T18:18:00.000Z
% change last month: Unknown
% change last 3 months: 195.17716204
Fully Diluted Market Cap: 5901230.42
Market Cap By Total Supply: 5901230.4190063
Domain: Unknown
Rotation: Unknown
Annual price change percentage: -68.4119
Name: Tena [new]
Symbol: TENA
Rank: 8692
Market pair count: 1
Circulating Supply: 0
Self-Reported Circulating Supply: 2974534560
Total Supply: 5000000000
Is it active?: 1
Last Updated: 2022-09-13T18:18:00.000Z
Start Date: 2021-05-19T00:00:00.000Z
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